Dries Hendrickx

Hey, nice to meet you!

I’m Dries - your personal contact at Conversation Starter. In a 15-minute call, I'll walk you through the product and answer your questions.

Contact us

Mail info@conversationstarter.net, call ‭+32 497 91 97 93‬ or leave a message below:

Thank you! Looking forward to talking to you.
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"I love working with Conversation Starter. I am so happy to get a quick reply whenever I have a question."

Jenny Björklöf
Community Leader of Freelancers in Belgium

Event Checklist

Free toolkit: how to organise online networking events

  • Check

    Examples of inspiring event concepts

  • Check

    Strategies for engaging partners

  • Check

    Examples of communication campaigns

  • Check

    Return-on-investment opportunities for sponsors

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